• A procurement strategy is a long-term plan to cost-effectively buy the necessary products and services from a list of preferred vendors who deliver quality goods on time and comply with [...]

  • Building conditions assessment (BCA), also known as a facility conditions assessment (FCA), is a systematic inspection audit and review resulting in a report on the state of the building structure [...]

  • An asset management plan (AMP) (sometimes referred to as a built environment plan) provides a guideline to realise value from physical assets by optimising cost, risk and performance across the [...]

  • Energy optimisation is using less energy to do the same tasks. The benefits include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy imports, and reducing fossil fuel use, leading to [...]

  • Built environment business modelling is developing a management framework specifically for and supporting the business's strategic goals. Companies may choose to have an in-house operation or outsourced services managed by [...]

  • A built environment facilities management, property, infrastructure, asset conceptual development framework is a process and systems-based management approach that defines the path for built environment management. It is flexible and [...]

  • Safety committees are required to implement, promote, maintain and review measures to ensure the health and safety of their employees. To this end, companies must appoint safety committees. According to [...]

  • Safety files are essential to aid comprehensive management and keep records of all safety protocols, policies, and incidents used as evidence for audits and effective management of your workplace environment.

  • An OHSMS is a tool to assist organisations to successfully meet their legal and social responsibility regarding the occupational health and safety of all employees and stakeholders in their workplace.